Miscellaneous Wilderness Battles 1

A young Branthara goes into a frenzy and soon finds herself knee-deep in the dead.
Branthara and a warrior from 
Freeport battle a Lion.
Alruna has slain one of the Vengeful Lyricists that haunt the valleys of Everfrost
The West Commons are dangerous. Here we see a Kodiak, some Dervish and a Hill Giant.
Grizben and his elemental face a vicious Snow Orc Mountaineer in Everfrost Peaks.
Branthara faces a gigantic spider!
An unfortunate innocent is mistaken for a bandit, and slain by over-zealous adventurers.
The burning wrath of Grizben
Grizben and his group fight lions in Eastern Karana

Last modified on 2000-01-22

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